Take the Rationality Test
How I Define Logic
The Rational Do Not Rationalize
The Subconscious Changes What You See and Feel
Why Honesty Requires Logic
Linear and Non-Linear Communication
Idealism and the Optimally Ideal
Debunking the Debunkers
The Key To Improving Your Mind
Training Advanced Mental Skills
Psychological Mind Control


Psychological Mind Control

How They Program Your Subconscious Bias
Molding the Way You Perceive and Experience Reality to Suit Their Agenda

Psychological Mind Control

The form of mind control that I explain here is used on a daily basis to twist the minds of people all around you into seeing reality differently (and it is so common, that this will equate to "normally"). Psychological Mind Control is used to exploit people in many ways.

I explained bits and pieces of the process in earlier sections, however, I'll start over here...

Now, think carefully about the various sayings that you tell yourself each day. Almost everything in life you talk about is in the form of a generalization. Generalizations are powerful. They allow you to rapidly identify things, to see objects instead of mere shapes and colors, to "see intent", and to judge things quickly and effectively. And if your friends make the same generalizations about life that you do then you tend to get along together.

Most people do not realize that generalizations are what allow the mind to process these things. They believe they just see these things, and that is it. However, if you carefully retrace your learning process on anything new, it will always amount to generalizations that you formed, that you then associated with your observations. It all boiled down to: generalizations that you associated.

The mind depends on generalizations because they are necessary to interpret reality. However, there is no automatic safe guard against the use of inaccurate generalizations.

Your only safeguard is the conscious mind, because with it you can check each one to see if it is accurate (if you go through the trouble), and with your subconscious mind all thoughts are automatic, so there is no checking going on.

As you accept an inaccurate generalization as meaningful to you, convincing yourself that it is useful, your subconscious is then programmed with Inadvertent Assumption. This simply means that when you generalize inaccurately that you are making assumptions without realizing it. And so I call these Inadvertent Assumptions.

Each Inadvertent Assumption continues to connect with the generalization that supplied it. The emotions behind the generalization may help to reinforce the resulting Inadvertent Assumption. And the more often a generalization is utilized, the more often an attached Inadvertent Assumption is activated. And the more applications for the generalization, the broader the power of the attached Inadvertent Assumption.

And because these assumptions are inadvertent, they are also automatic (each time you use the source generalization, you are also making the same assumptions without realizing it). And this is also the same as saying they are "subconscious" (automatic thought = subconscious thought).

Subconscious thought is non-linear (multiple simultaneous thoughts), and seems to happen without effort.

Inadvertent Assumption functions automatically and simultaneously, triggered by the associations passed down by source generalization, to form the walls to our "mind boxes".

The walls to each of our "mind boxes" function like psychological compulsion, yet they are purely mechanical in nature, and a bi-product of inadvertent assumption.

It works the same way for every human.

These walls feel absolute, and it seems as though reality abides, and yet neither are true.

The effect on the mind is that it produces Subconscious Bias.

And when someone else engineers the wording of and/or imprinting process for inaccurate generalizations, with the intent of generating Subconscious Bias in others, then that is Psychological Mind Control.

Subconscious Bias has the power to selectively enable and disable the points necessary to satisfy the bias. This allows even the most intelligent observer to retain what appears to them to be a logical position, while persisting in seeing a specific conclusion that fits their bias. How Subconscious Bias makes points appear irrelevant, relevant, valid, invalid, or altogether appear or disappear spontaneously and automatically, is explained in the section on Subconscious Bias.

And to think that this power is delivered into the human mind through inaccurate generalizations. The programming is as simple as that.

Most of these inaccurate generalizations will seem like no big deal, however, the point that is missed is how the subconscious handles them. The subconscious takes each generalization verbatum (in the same form that you acknowledged as useful to you). Then it treats these as reality defining facts, in the same way that you automatically identify a bird or a tree. It is the same exact process.

This is because an Inadvertent Assumption lodges itself into the part of the mind that in real-time preprocesses your perception of reality unchecked.

Granted, if your subconscious mind has just one of these Inadvertent Assumptions in it, the damage might indeed be minimal. However, over a lifetime it gains hundreds, maybe thousands or millions of these, and they are all automated as though a computer were producing your experiences for you. Your perception of and experience of reality may then be more a product of delusion than a product of reality.

The knowledge about how this works is known only by a small percentage of the population, and therefore, this creates an opportunity for those that understand the process to use it to their advantage. And when used this way, it is mind control.

The formula for mind control is to first create a story or event that causes what I call "emotional captivation". This is the climate the mind has to be in to receive programming. Next, you deliver the programming, and that is accomplished through skillful word manipulation. The mind control expert comes up with very catchy words that really sit well or badly with the audience (either way, so long as its an emotional thing that sticks). However, these catchy words also have assumptions built in. And that is the whole point. While the conscious mind is focused on the story, Inadvertent Assumption silently programs the subconscious.

The function and purpose of the story was that of a Trojan Horse to deliver PMC.

The function and purpose of the moral of the story was to convince you to further lock in the programming.

The final step to mind control, the piece that locks it in place for good, is the "take-it-personally" mechanism. This is the little gouge somewhere in the story (often at the end) that gets you to take it personally.

Now there's no going back because your instincts are to protect it, not to question it.

While the conscious mind was focused on one's own feelings and conclusions about the story, the subconscious mind was imprinting a list of Inadvertent Assumptions that would from that point forward modify that individual's perception and experience of reality.

Inadvertent Assumptions manufacture Subconscious Bias that blocks or twists concepts, perceptions and feelings. These are the walls to your "mind box".

This is an automatic process, and may or may not have anything to do with the conscious elements of the stories that delivered the programming.

Emotional captivation is the first piece to the puzzle of mind control (opening the mind to the conditioning process). Making it personal is the final piece to the puzzle of mind control (using basic instincts to protect the bias). Inadvertent Assumptions are sandwiched inbetween, hidden within creative and catchy phraseology, delivering programming directly into the subconscious minds of the unguarded audience. An audience that adopts new Subconscious Bias without realizing it.

Much of the time Subconscious Bias is our own fault. We allow ourselves to place value on an illogical notion, resulting in unintentionally imprinting the subconscious mind with bias. However, it is also possible for someone else to do this to you (and this action could be intentional, inadvertent, or setup by a 3rd party).

Information about the mechanisms that make this type of subconscious programming possible have been developed into a science. And the delivery of the words and pictures to trigger these mechanisms has been developed into an art. As your level of awareness increases you'll see more and more clearly the people that have mastered this art, and how they use this type mind control to their advantage.

There are a number of effective delivery systems for this kind of mind control, here are three...

  1. Stories. (a good story builds emotional captivation, setting the stage for mind control, then catchy words are used to deliver programming directly into the subconscious of the unsuspecting audience, then something happens to make the audience take these words personally)
  2. Events. (a dramatic real life event is a perfect opportunity for mind control, agents sent by mind control experts will be on the scene first digging up the clues, collecting and destroying some of the evidence (as directed by the mind control experts), and then later these experts come up with the combination of drama-enducing propaganda and assumption-ridden phrases to deliver highly effective mind control to the public)
  3. Daily routine. Your daily routine reinforces all assumptions built into thoughts that both directly and indirectly relate to that routine. Anything and everything you tell yourself about your routine at ANY point in time, is reimprinted EVERY time you repeat that routine. Therefore, anyone who plants catchy phraseology that relates to your routine, with the intent of controlling your mind, is using Psychological Mind Control.

Indirect mind control is quite interesting. If the people setting up the mind control don't want to be caught, then they setup a multi-stage mind control process. Usually all they have to do is issue some articles. (Or, in some cases, get together a party, and use the right choice of words to suggest some ideas to the right people, and maybe "throw them a bone", some lead or tip to help them along.) These "elite level manipulators" come with credentials and word skills that make them sound quite convincing to the target audience. Their word skills are so good that they can fool just about anyone on the planet (I can site specific real examples of this but would rather not get into trouble.) The target audience then follows the thinking that they were programmed to follow, and as a result unknowingly setup additional mind control propaganda and/or events that feed into the strategies of the people behind it all. The interesting thing about this model, is that the only faces you see are those of people who may be hard working and have "otherwise honest" intentions (except when you use my definition for the word "honesty"). This confuses the investigators, as they see nothing wrong with these people. Where's the perpetrator? He's another level removed.

However, both direct and indirect mind control CAN be tracked to its source. Once you understand this process and follow the trail, you'll see for yourself who is responsible.

Thought Provoking PMC Related Hypotheses

  1. That awareness of PMC is inversely proportional to the extent that the individual has unraveled PMC from their own mind.
  2. That this leaves only the most rational with any hope of understanding the extent that PMC has pervaded society.
  3. And it makes their attempts at explaining it appear irrational to the masses.
  4. That PMC has the power to make very bad theories look more correct than very good theories.
  5. That scientists with theories fitting the agenda of their superiors then gain the resources they need to produce better presentation.
  6. That scientists with theories conflicting with the agenda of their superiors then lose the resources they need to produce better presentation.
  7. That this allows hidden agenda to ultimately win over mainstream consensus.
  8. That these and other tactics allow skilled administrators to invisibly manipulate entire industries towards greater profits.
  9. That this is particularly effective in liability-intense industries because not following the mainstream approach gets them in trouble.
  10. That flaws in the legal system work with PMC to provide seemingly endless highly effective railroading tactics.
  11. That these tactics allow more efficient and effective pinpoint ops and their clean-up.
  12. That through many separate yet simple PMC tactics: religion provides war mongers more effective control over their resources. (production, funding base, supply of soldiers, and highly susceptible minds to buy into the propaganda)
  13. That religion may exist solely for this purpose.
  14. That through a few simple PMC tactics: terror groups can be formed, fed, weaponized and pointed, with plausible deniability.
  15. That this is the new playground where war mongers are not held back.
  16. That matters that should be of concern to the public are only handled where there is public awareness, demand and choice. That this currently leaves us with an inevitable feeding ground for abuses, invisible to the masses, and not to be underestimated. (see hypothesis #1)
  17. That matters for which people generally don't take time to figure out for themselves are easily answered for us by sayings we hear over and over in public.

Exercise: we've heard over and over how Earth is over populated. But have you done the math? Let's assign a reasonable amount of well managed space per person (and include the space needed to grow food for each person). Let's say 1/10th acre. Then figure out how much space we need for 7 billion people: that's about a million square miles. A couple states in the US will cover that (assuming it is well managed). What about trash? What causes it? Hmm. What's going on here? Now its your turn to do some thinking. Is the lack of resources that the population needs due to over population or is it due to management? And what is the primary cause of this problem? Now what does thinking the Earth is over populated get people to do? How does it affect the problem? How does it affect the solution?

With practice you should have no problem identifying popular PMC statements. Here's a few...

  • "The average American consumes too much salt."
  • "The simple truth."
  • "If you're not for me you're against me."
  • "No one is above the law."
  • "Support your troops."
  • "War on Terror"
In each case ask yourself what these catchy phrases get people to think and do differently. Does it also get them to feel differently about specific scenarios. Who profits from all this?
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